Labcom FiT
Anomaly and fraud detection in Financial Transactions.
Fighting frauds, identity thefts, or money laundering is a crucial but extremely challenging task. The goal is to find obfuscated traces within massive and ever-changing sequences of financial transactions.
FiT leads the research required to address these challenges.
Bleckwen and the ComplexNetworks team at LIP6 (CNRS and Sorbonne University) put their expertise together in the FiT LabCom. Supported by the ANR, they model and analyze financial transactions as link streams to detect anomalies within them.

The image above shows a much simplified example: time is on the horizontal axis, bank accounts a, b, c, d, and e, are on the vertical axis, and each link represents a transaction occuring between two accounts at a given time. Frauds and money laudering are characterized by specific sequences of links, like for instance the ones in the shaded areas.
- March 29th: publication A Frequency-Structure Approach for Link Stream Analysis to appear in the 2nd edition of the Temporal Network Theory Springer book
- February 28th: Julien Karadayi leaves the team (contract end)
- February 28th: Mehdi Naima leaves the team (postdoc end)
- February 15th: publication Computing Betweenness Centrality in Link Streams to appear in JGAA
- February 1st: technical meeting
- January 31st: Esteban Bautista leaves the team (postdoc end)
- December 12th: participation to SUMMIT inauguration
- December 7th: preprint: A Frequency-Structure Approach for Link Stream Analysis
- November 15th: project management and scientific meetings
- November 10th: publication A Fast Algorithm for Ranking Users by their Influence in Online Social Platforms, Nouamane Arhachoui, Esteban Bautista, Maximilien Danisch, Anastasios Giovanidis, IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM), Istanbul, Turkey, 2022
- October 1st: Stephany Rajeh joins the team as engineer/postdoc
- August 31st: Zhen Hou leaves the team (internship end)
- August 26th: Eliott Donvez leaves the team (internship end)
- July 22nd: anonymized labeled dataset access at scale from Bleckwen
- June 30th: technical meeting
- June 20th: preprint: A Fast Algorithm for Ranking Users by their Influence in Online Social Platforms
- April 15th: C++ implementation of graph feature computations
- April 4th: Eliott Donvez joins the team as X M1 intern
- March 1-2: project promotion at SRE 2022 (cancelled)
- March: Implementation of a Docker version
- February 28th: Jules Azad Emery leaves the team (internship end)
- February 21st: Zhen Hou joins the team as STL M2 intern
- February 4th: publication A local updating algorithm for personalized PageRank via Chebyshev polynomials, Esteban Bautista, Matthieu Latapy, Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM) 12:31, 2022.
- February 1st: technical meeting
- February: completion of T0+24 ANR activity report
- January 5th: project discussions with SCAI and Sorbonne Université Abu Dhabi
- December 17th: scientific meeting
- November 30th - December 2nd: publication A logical approach for temporal and multiplex networks analysis, Esteban Bautista, Matthieu Latapy, CNA (10-th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications), 2021, Madrid, Spain. Poster.
- November 8-11th: publication Full Bitcoin blockchain data made easy, Jules Azad Emery, Matthieu Latapy, ASONAM (IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining), 2021, Online.
- October 6th: preprint: A Local Updating Algorithm for Personalized PageRank via Chebyshev Polynomials
- October 6th: preprint: A logical approach for temporal and multiplex networks analysis
- September 1st: Mehdi Naima joins the team as postdoc
- September 1st: Jules Azad Emery joins as ESGI M2 intern
- June-October: migration from Python to C++, improved implementation
- August 23rd: promotion of the project on SCAI website
- June 15th: preprint: Full Bitcoin Blockchain Data Made Easy
- June 14th: technical meeting
- April 30th: discussion about France Relance plan with Bleckwen
- April 1st: François Saulnier joins the team as Bleckwen project manager
- March 31st: Leonardo Noleto leaves the team
- March 25th: project management meeting
- March 17th: scientific meeting
- February 12th: preprint: Computing Betweenness Centrality in Link Streams
- February 11th: new website online
- February 4th: technical meeting
- January 15th: Esteban Bautista joins the team as postdoc
- December 22nd: technical meeting
- December 3rd: technical meeting
- November 26th: management meeting
- November 15th: Julien Karadayi joins the team as engineer
- November 15th: Nicolas Gensollen leaves the team
- October 16th: management meeting
- September 14th: interview of FiT project leaders
- August 25th: contract signed with ANR, Bleckwen and Sorbonne University
- July 16th: project presentation in CNRS innovation letter
- June 18th: 6 month project extension by ANR (Covid)
- June 17th: FiT website online
- June 9th: publication in Applied Network Science: Do you trade with your friends or become friends with your trading partners? A case study in the G1 cryptocurrency
- May 20th: 6 month project extension granted
- April 27th: technical meeting
- March 11th: scientific meeting
- March 11th: ANR funding available at Sorbonne University
- March 3rd: technical meeting
- February 6th: scientific meeting
- January 17th: technical meeting
- December 3rd: Kickoff workshop
- November 25th: preprint: Do you trade with your friends or become friends with your trading partners? A case study in the G1 cryptocurrency
- November 13th: ANR meeting
- September: start of ANR funding (negociation phase)